Mulhenberg Intermediate School Gets a New Building

The C. E. Cole Intermediate School is designed to initially house nine classrooms of grades 5 and ten classrooms of grade 6.  The building was designed for a maximum enrollment of 650 students anticipating thirteen classrooms for each grade level.

The new Intermediate School is located at the site of the former C.E. Cole School buildings.  The new facility reused the existing Gymnasium and Commons building to the fullest extent possible. The existing classroom and administration structures were demolished to allow more concentrated use of the site area.  Use of this site maintains all District facilities on the 100-acre campus.  This site allows for the existing bus circulation for the Elementary Center to be used for Intermediate School students.  The separation of bus access from the parent and public access was maintained by carefully planning the location of the entrances to the building.

The Intermediate School, as with all District buildings, serves community needs.  The gymnasium has long been used by various community groups which have continued to take advantage of the facility.  Public access to the gym and locker rooms was planned to prevent access to other parts of the new facility.  Public use of the Instructional Media Center and Multipurpose room was also planned.

The site provides recess activities for both planned grade levels.  Other educational activities benefit from carefully planning the access and design of outside areas such as the courtyard.  Security and protection of students during outside activities were considered and implemented for all areas designed.

Parking for staff and visitors was incorporated into the existing parking areas along Kutztown Road and lots located on the south and west sides of the gymnasium.  Use of the lots by the gymnasium during the school day was carefully planned so as to not interfere with bus circulation during arrival and dismissal times.